Happy Memorial Day

Isn’t this a great image? A friend of mine posted this on FaceBook and I was just in love with it. 🙂

This weekend was Memorial Day. It was a time for giving thanks to veterans and remembering those we have lost to wars. I spent the weekend in silence from my blog because I spent this time with my family, sharing and being thankful for our freedom. Some countries are not as lucky as we are.

We had a cookout, I was happy to spend some quality time with my sister from out of town, and we took the kids to the Drive-in movie theater. It was a great time! Sure I did some crafts over the weekend that I am dying to share, but I didn’t feel ready to share. I wanted to give my friends, family, and fellow bloggers a break from my ramblings about crafty things.

Although I have to say that this guy here in this video is a jerk for saying he is uncomfortable calling our fallen soldiers heroes. I saw this yesterday and was instantly bothered by it. Even though he explains himself, it just doesn’t make sense to me. Whether the term “hero” seems to lead to more war or not, it is just plain disrespectful. Obviously that is a matter of his own opinion, and this is mine. Our soldiers are the reason we have so many luxuries today including our freedoms and Constitutional rights. He would have NO RIGHT to say this if it were not for our military.

Whether this idiot has an inkling of respect for our military or not, I DO, AND I THANK YOU MEMBERS OF OUR MILITARY and their families! HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY! YOU are the reason we are here today!!!!!

I know war is a controversial subject but we still have to be thankful for what we have. What are your thoughts on this video?? Do you agree or disagree?


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