After my post about all my junk, I really needed to follow up with something uplifting and exciting. Happy 4th of July everyone! I really needed to celebrate by painting my nails and really FEELING the special occasion. I use ANY occasion to paint my nails fancy. Heck I don’t even need an occasion.

I’ve been seeing these marbled nails all over Pinterest and it’s driving me nuts! I want to know how to do them. So on one of the Pinterest links, I finally found a how-to video for marbleing your nails (find it here<<<<) a few weeks ago, and I have been just DYING to try it out.

So My daughter and I marbled. It took a few tries to get the technique down, but it was worth it. 🙂

My patriotic nails. 🙂


As Always — Don’t forget to visit me on ETSY, and LIKE my page on Facebook to keep up with all the goodies!!!!


Tunnel-tastic, it’s Fantastic!

So yet another gloomy day in my household and keeping the kids entertained is becoming a chore. For the earlier part of the morning they were entertained with the play tunnel, the bowling pins (again), and then Sebastian built a city out of blocks.

City of blocks

Out of nowhere a giant dinosaur (named Shelby?) stomped the city to pieces. Then came the absolute, total, and utter meltdown. It was a complete catastrophe. The dinosaur is not allowed to knock down the city; she should get discipline he says. Tired of intervening, I had enough and went on my merry little way.

oh, no Shelby!

After 3 days of rain and lack of sunshine, my patience with the weather is wearing thin and my petals are beginning to wilt. I don’t mind a good rain storm every once in a while, it gives me an excuse to stay indoors and have fun with the kids or just have a “me” day. But I can only handle so much of this crap. I mean it, enough Mother Nature.

I dressed myself in a brightly colored tie-dye dress to help brighten my mood. I put on some Mickey Mouse for the little guy and he chilled out. Sebastian decided he was hungry and brought me a fruity thing to help him unravel from the plastic. He set it down on my lap and it suddenly sparked my mood.

Holy crap, this kid’s fruity snack matched my dress. Ha! Who-da-thunked? Slightly inspired I realized that Mommy needed something pretty. The kids were being good so I decided to give myself a mini-pedicure and manicure. But really for me this means, fill my acrylic nails, polish my nails and toes, add some sparkle to my day. Then I might feel like me again.

Bad idea. I should have known. They would be good until my nails were done and I was waiting for the polish to dry. I must have dinged them and repainted them 15 times….never again. Next time I promise to wait to paint my nails until the kids are fast asleep.

Concentrating on taking all the polishes out of my toolbox.

They still came out pretty even after all the frustration. They look red in the picture but they are really a bright pink. I love that they sparkle and makes me feel like me again!

That brightens my day!

Wouldn’t you know the sun decides to grace us with her presence as soon as I put the kids down for a nap.  Now that I’m pampered, and feeling mushy, I could use a nap too.

All I have to say after a day like today is please, please be a nice day tomorrow, the kids need a day outside….


As Always — Don’t forget to visit me on ETSY, and LIKE my page on Facebook to keep up with all the goodies!!!!